Classroom Tour!!

I am SO excited to finally give you a classroom tour!! As I was going through pictures, I realized I still have some "empty" spaces in my classroom...mostly just places waiting for students' things and work!! Since we've only been in school for two days, it's not quite "home" yet, but it will be very shortly! :)

I am one who LOVES a good before and after shot, so here are some pictures of my room when I came in for the first time.

{Please note the weird yellow stripe, and the even more random green square. I could not WAIT to cover that up!!!}

Alright, and here's what you see now when you stand at my door! :)

As soon as you come in the door, this table and writing center is to your right. I love this writing center from Mel D!!! I'm pretty sure my new writing center will have to be its own blog post, there's just too much goodness wouldn't be right to rush through! ;)

This is their Writing and Word Work table. Above it is our soon-to-be interactive word wall! I'll be hanging words on a binder ring and students will be able to come and grab them off the wall to use in their writing. I'm hoping it will be a big hit!!

This might be my favorite area of the classroom...our calendar and carpet area. We are doing calendar math every morning, (I actually have a few more pieces I need to add in!). This is also where we meet for whole group reading or class meetings.

This isn't the best shot, but I HAD to show you this adorable number line!!

Can you tell what our mini-Reading lesson was today?! ;)

Remember that ugly and random green square?! It's now my AR tracking board. My students are making their own superheros tomorrow that they'll put on the board. They track their own progress for their AR goals using this. They love it and it's a great way for them to keep themselves on track! Next to it is a jewelry holder...I use it for headphones and it is perfect for that. I'm also using it to hold students' individual Login Loops.

These empty bins will soon hold my students' math manipulatives!! No more passing them out every day and collecting them...each student will have everything they need to get through the first semester! :) (This is the "empty" part I was talking about!)

This is probably the most colorful part of my classroom...our library!! 

I didn't want my students to be overwhelmed with book choices at first so I've got a few shelves "on hold." Some book baskets are also turned around which means they are off limits for now. I'll introduce them as the year goes on.

I have books, decorations and projects organized by month on top of my cabinet! This was an end-of-the-year project for me last year, so I'm excited to see how it works out for me. The scrapbook squares hold student work and change every week or two.

This is our behavior clip chart...this will also be a separate blog post!! Check back for that soon ;)

Here's my desk area and our small group meeting area. I am not a fan of that red pocket chart being in my pink, blue & green room...but I know you know that it is near impossible to find pocket charts in colors besides primary colors. 

Another short of my desk area! I love that my desk is against the wall this year and out of the way. I know a lot of teachers are ditching their desk, but I personally love having my desk area for planning purposes.

I am in LOVE with my new Objectives headers. They're probably one of my favorite things in my room. As you can see, we haven't delved into too much academics as of the second day of school. ;) My Reading focus wall is to the left and is already coming in handy! It holds posters for our comprehension strategies, genre, grammar, phonics skills, sight words and spelling words.

Another thing I'm loving is our new homework turn-in system!! Students come in and drop their homework into their slot. It is so easy for me to check who has done their homework and who hasn't!

Above that is my job chart and classroom schedule...

Here's what my teams look like. The baskets on the chairs are their personal book baskets, and all of their shared supplies and Kagan mats are in the caddies.

Phew, that's it!!! :) I plan to come back a little later this week to post links to some of the awesome TPT products I used throughout my room. Thanks so much for stopping by!