Digital Student Data Folders You'll LOVE!

You may have used data folders in the classroom before. You may have even seen the data folders that I have listed in my TPT store! I get tons of great feedback from teachers every year who love using these data collection folders with their students!

Now that many of us are moving into a year of distance learning, hybrid learning, socially-distanced in-person learning, and everything in between, I recognized the need of giving teachers and students data folders that they could take with them wherever they were!

That’s right…my data folders have gone digital!

Let’s talk a little for a minute about the importance of data folders!

Data folders teach your students to examine their own grades and test scores, notice patterns. notice strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and reflect on their own performance. Essentially, data folders teach students to do the things with their data that teachers typically do for them! It’s important as a classroom teacher that you know how your students are performing, what small group remediation they need, and what they are great at…but it’s powerful for your students to also know these things about themselves.

More awareness breeds more investment. Investment creates growth! That’s why I love using data folders with my students!

My data folders come with the printable file, but you can ALSO download the digital version through Google slides. This makes it easy for your students to log a piece of data from home if needed, share with their families, or open up in the classroom!

When your students open the digital data folders, they will first see a table of contents page. Clicking on the icon will take them to a section of the digital folder, saving them a little time!

The heart of the data folder is (as you may have guessed) the data! There are several different graphs, for all subjects, included in both the printable and digital version of the folder. The digital version has colored bars already inserted into the graphs for your students, so all they need to do is click and drag the bar upwards to fill the graph up to their test grade for that week!

There are also sections of the data folder for tracking math fact mastery, and for logging writing samples! That makes this one data collection folder a one-stop solution for so many of your data collection needs! Your students can have everything in one place for the year!

What would data collection be without setting goals about how you want to improve it?? Goal setting pages are included for your students to create both school and personal goals for each quarter, each month, or each trimester!

Reflection pages are also included so your students can think back on the week and think about how they’re striving toward their goals, what they could improve upon next week, and more!

To read more about the routine I used to set up data folders in my classroom. take a look at THIS POST! There, you will see the teaching routine I followed, and some answers to some frequently asked questions!

To shop the data folders on TPT, click the button below. :)

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